After acceptance into the program, complete this program by fulfilling requirements in four components.
Expand your worldview while in the classroom. These select, globally focused classes will help to do just that. Remember, if you have already taken a GAP approved class and finished with a C or higher it can be counted towards your Academic component fulfillment.
Participate in select campus activities and events and earn hours toward the GAP Activities component. Activities are one of two optional components for GAP.
To Satisfy This Component You Must:
- Participate in eight activities that have a global focus and have been approved by International Education.
- Complete a Global Awareness Activity Verification Form for each activity and submit it to Canvas within two weeks of attendance.
- Submit answers to reflection questions for all eight activities.
Approved activities will be listed one semester at a time in the Activities Module in Canvas.
These activities may be spread out over the entire time you are enrolled in the Global Awareness Program.
Want to have an adventure? You can use your experiences as an international student or take the opportunity to study abroad to meet this optional component.
International Experience Requirement
Domestic Student Requirements
- Successfully complete a 赌钱app可以微信提现-approved Study Away program or a 赌钱app可以微信提现-approved structured experience abroad (e.g., work abroad, internship abroad, volunteer abroad, or international military experience).
- Earn a grade of C or higher in the Study Away course(s) (either GIST 101 or another Study Away course) and answer the reflection questions, in Canvas, about your Study Away experience.
Visit Study Away (赌钱app可以微信提现 Single Sign On required to login)
International Student Requirements
Answer reflection questions, in Canvas, about your experience living and studying in the United States.
The Capstone is the final component and is required for GAP completion. The Capstone is where you reflect on what you have learned and/or achieved through GAP as a whole.
Complete and submit the Capstone Reflection Questions found in the program module in Canvas.
After completing the capstone questions, you can complete the Application to Graduate from the GAP Program whenever you are ready to graduate. This application is found in Canvas.
To apply for completion of the GAP program you must submit all required materials by:
- Feb. 10 for Spring graduation
- Jun. 10 for Summer graduation
- Oct. 10 for Fall graduation
Foreign Language Course Requirement
A two-credit conversational course must be paired with an additional course in order to satisfy the foreign language requirement.
- FL 120 Elementary German I (5 credits)
- FL 121 Elementary German II (5 credits)
- FL 130 Elementary Spanish I (5 credits)
- FL 131 Elementary Spanish II (5 credits)
- FL 135 Basic Spanish for Hospitality Management (3 credits)
- FL 140 Elementary French I (5 credits)
- FL 141 Elementary French II (5 credits)
- FL 165 Elementary Chinese I (5 credits)
- FL 166 Elementary Chinese II (5 credits)
- FL 170 Elementary Japanese I (5 credits)
- FL 171 Elementary Japanese II (5 credits)
- FL 182 Intermediate Japanese I (5 credits)
- FL 183 Intermediate Japanese II (5 credits)
- FL 192 Intermediate Chinese I (3 credits)
- FL 193 Intermediate Chinese II (3 credits)
- FL 220 Intermediate German I (3 credits)
- FL 221 Intermediate German II (3 credits)
- FL 223 Conversational German (2 credits)
- FL 230 Intermediate Spanish I (3 credits)
- FL 231 Intermediate Spanish II (3 credits)
- FL 234 Conversational Spanish (2 credits)
- FL 240 Intermediate French I (3 credits)
- FL 241 Intermediate French II (3 credits)
- FL 243 Conversational French (2 credits)
- FL 288 Spanish for Heritage and Advanced Speakers of Spanish (3 credits)
Non-Language Globally Focused Courses
All students should select two globally focused courses from the following list (minimum of six credits):
Arts & Design
- ARTH 186 Art History: Introduction to Asian Art (3 credits)
- MUS 126 Introduction to World Music (3 credits)
Business, Hospitality, & Professional Services
- BUS 235 Introduction to International Business (3 credits)
- ECON 230 Principles of Macroeconomics (3 credits)
Communication & Language
- COMS 180 Intercultural Communication (3 credits)
- ENGL 215 U.S. Latino and Latina Literature (3 credits)
- JOUR 220 International Media (3 credits)
Education, Humanities, & Social Sciences
- ANTH 125 Cultural Anthropology (3 credits)
- ANTH 130 World Cultures (3 credits)
- ANTH 142 World Prehistory (3 credits)
- ANTH 150 People and Cultures of Mesoamerica (3 credits)
- ANTH 165 Linguistic Anthropology (3 credits)
- HIST 135 Eastern Civilization (3 credits)
- HIST 143 Ancient Greece, the Near East, and Egypt (3 credits)
- HIST 149 History of India (3 credits)
- HIST 150 Islam: Religion and Civilization (3 credits)
- HIST 151 World History I: Traditional World (3 credits)
- HIST 152 World History II: Modern World (3 credits)
- HIST 160 Modern Russian History (3 credits)
- HIST 162 Modern Latin America (3 credits)
- HIST 165 History of China (3 credits)
- HIST 167 Introduction to History: Japan (3 credits)
- HIST 195 History of the Middle East (3 credits)
- HUM 137 Introduction to Russian Culture (3 credits)
- HUM 145 Introduction to World Humanities I (3 credits)
- HUM 146 Introduction to World Humanities II (3 credits)
- HUM 150 Islam: Religion and Civilization (3 credits)
- HUM 156 Contemporary Approaches to World Mythology (3 credits)
- HUM 165 Intro to Chinese Culture (3 credits)
- HUM 167 Introduction to Japanese Culture (3 credits)
- PHIL 142 History of Asian Philosophy (3 credits)
- POLS 132 Introduction to Comparative Government (3 credits)
- POLS 135 International Relations (3 credits)
- POLS 200 Model United Nations (3 credits)
- REL 120 Exploring World Religions (3 credits)
- REL 125 Religions of the East (3 credits)
- REL 126 Religions of the West (3 credits)
- REL 150 Islam: Religion and Civilization (3 credits)
- SOC 165 Contemporary Chinese Society (3 credits)
- WGS 201 Global Women's Studies (3 credits)
- WGS 220 The Many Women of Islam (3 credits)
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math (STEM)
- GEOS 145 World Regional Geography (3 credits)
Global Awareness
- GIST 101 Study Abroad Reflections (1-3 credits)
- GIST 250 Introduction to Globalization (3 credits)
- HC 125 International Awareness Field Study (2 credits)